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Insights / Commentary

The Future of Cash Part 2: Implications of the Underground Economy

The Future of Cash Part 2: Implications of the Underground Economy

In our previous post, we discussed the future of cash as it relates to millennials and digital payment methodologies. There is another key component shaping the future of cash, and that’s the unbanked and underbanked population. General estimates are that about 13% of the US GDP can be attributed to the underground economy. That’s nearly […]

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The Future of Cash Part 1: Growing alongside the competition

The Future of Cash Part 1: Growing alongside the competition

Perhaps you have heard dire predictions about the “disappearance” of cash. There is a notion that mobile payments are on the rise and online banking is growing at a record pace, and therefore people must be using less and less cash. Well, the first part is true. Mobile payment methodologies and online banking are indeed […]

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